
Ethics and transparency

Welcome to the Ethics and Transparency Platform of Salmones Aysén

Salmones Aysén S.A. is a family-owned company, committed to strict principles of good corporate practices, ethics and compliance, as it strengthens public confidence in the company and sets the foundation for long term success.

Our greatest compromise is to act with rectitude and integrity, in all our operations worldwide. In this sense, and to reinforce our ethical commitments, we make available to our employees, suppliers, clients and stakeholders this Ethics and Transparency Platform, where you can find:

Whistleblowing Channel

Code of Ethics and Conduct

Contains the formal declaration of the principles, values, and ethical standards of the Company for conducting its business, which is mandatory to all employees, and serves as a guideline that promotes its realisation.

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Supplier Code of Conduct

Salmones Aysén require that all of its suppliers strictly meet the Company’s principles, values and ethical standards.

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Policies to our Crime Prevention Model

Integrity is one of the main principles of Salmones Aysén. In this sense, we have implemented a Crime Prevention Model, which is a system designed to identify, prevent and mitigate the risks of commission of crimes within the activities of the Company.The Crime Prevention Model considers the corporate liability regulations applicable in Chile, by Law 20.393, and the main international standards in terms of ethics and compliance.

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